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9/11 Qur’an Burning Threat

About two weeks or so ago, a pastor of a small church in Florida, in an attempt to retaliate against the building of the Muslim community center near ground zero in New York, threatened to have a mass burning of the Qur’an in front of his church on the eve of the nine year anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks. Thankfully, he and his congregation did not do so, but others did.

Now, here in America, we do have protection for the freedom of speech. Essentially, you can say whatever, and do whatever without breaking the laws. Well, unless you attempt to harm another person. With this, Pastor Terry Jones has every right in this nation to do what he is doing. The thing is, though, he is doing this out of hatred for the Muslim communities. He has let those in the middle east that practice radical Muslim tradition, spoil the tradition of those in our western society. Essentially letting “one bad apple spoil the whole bunch”. This call of action has done nothing more than shake the ground of all three parties involved, and has become a troublesome mess for everyone worldwide. What’s worse, is that he has made it apparent that he does not know his own enemy. The Muslim community in New York predates the attacks on the world trade center and have never shown any involvement in these attacks, or any other form of threat to America.

Now, when you’re running around burning symbols and running up and down stairs screaming and shouting, you’re doing nothing more than, yes I’m going to say it, sizing up genitalia. All that you’re doing is puffing up your chest muscles, whipping them out, and comparing sizes. The thing is, what good has comparing genital sizes ever done? One man will feel an overpowering pride, while the other will feel emasculated and possibly seek revenge in some form. In the end, the games will never stop from there, and no one person can ever call victory until the other is a bloodied and beaten lifeless pulp.

If Pastor Jones and the Muslim communities really want to stand in peace under God, they both need to stop letting their views on religion be the only ideal way of obtaining peace. Oppressing and suppressing others is not the road to peace, and there are far better alternatives than forcing others to believe in what you believe. Peace is about extending your hand out, no matter how different your views are on any subject, and no matter how hard it may be to do so.

I’m back! (once again)

I’ve been on hiatus with this blog for months now and have returned. Why? I’ve got too much buzzing around me, and I have built up more confidence and knowledge. Both areas I felt that I was lacking in when I first started the blog back in March.

A few changes will be happening here. This blog will not only be about atheism, but it will also touch on many other subjects that I personally enjoy. This can be politics, video games, music, and even events happening in my own life. Will it be a dominating blog on personal life? No, but it will have some side-track in it just for fun.

I will be keeping this blog rolling no matter what from now on. I feel that even if I do hit upon times where I feel shaky, I just need to press through it all and hope things work out for the best. Granted, that’s the story of my life right there, but I might save that for a future post.